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  • Writer's picturePaul Browning

University of Hull & Thrive PhD Collaboration

Education for the future: scoping out the opportunities for education to support environmental stewardship

At Thrive, we are delighted to be working with colleagues Anastasia Gouseti, Pedro Beltran-Alvarez and Tim Rudd at Hull University on a brand new PhD, which we're really excited about as it encompasses the climate crisis, student voice & influence and co-production. Having appointed Éireann in the summer, we have had our first meeting with her this week.

Formal education in the UK has not placed climate action high on its agenda with discussions of climate change often limited to ‘factual’ teachings in science, geography and more latterly, the new natural history GCSE.  As such, the potential that schools can have on adapting to, challenging and mitigating climate change is under-utilised. This PhD will focus on opportunities for (and overcoming challenges to) embedding place-based environmental education and stewardship principles across whole school policies and practices. Working in participatory ways with young people, school/academy staff and the private sector (with our colleagues in the C3 Group), the PhD explores the potential of schools to enhance an ‘ownership’ of place as a vehicle to environmental action to encourage future eco and climate justice conscious citizens.

This cluster tackles these important dimensions across four interdisciplinary teams underpinned by participatory research principles, working with, not doing to communities and committed to co-production.   


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