Having completed our annual Pupil Voice & Influence surveys, in which the views of 3,276 of our students in years 3-10 were collected, we have now started the qualitative stage. Each year, since beginning to use the Lundy Model in early 2022, we have asked questions based around the four domains of Space, Voice, Audience and Influence to establish the level of Pupil Agency across our trust. With three secondary and seven primary schools, the surveys provide a valuable starting point for us to have more indepth discussions with our young people.
The results of the survey are published in powerpoint dashboards which are first shared with the student leadership teams in the schools. A significant refinement of the dashboards has been undertaken this year to make them more student-friendly. The student leadership teams tell us how they think each of the domains may be strengthened in their schools. They then present the updated dashboards to the wider student body for further review and refinement before the dashboards are forwarded to the School Leadership Teams. School leaders adopt the objectives suggested by the students in the School Development Journey documents.
Today, the Studnet Leadership teams in Chiltern Primary School and The Boulevard Academy (one of our secondary schools) had their initial 'dashboard' meetings which provoked honest discussions from the students.
