Thrive prides itself in promoting and celebrating respect and kindness to all - it’s in the DNA of being a Co-operative MAT. We take a strong stance on tackling bullying of any type through a supportive and restorative approach. In our most recent survey of more than 500 families across 9 schools (primary and secondary) 65% said bullying wasn’t an issue, but of those who said it was an issue too many (22%) thought we could deal with things more effectively. Time to get to work. Here’s an update on what Thrive school’s did during last week’s Anti-Bullying Week - with a spotlight on Stepney Primary School.
The focus in some schools was reinforcing a definition of bullying (this seems like a perennial issue), while other schools focused on how bullying affects individuals or on what being a good friend is and the power of kindness.
Anti-bullying week at Stepney began with National Odd Socks Day, with all adults and
pupils wearing odd socks to promote and celebrate difference. Children were
delighted to get a special ‘Shout Out’ from Andy Day and the Odd Socks Gang.

The Foundation Stage read about Elmer the Elephant who looks different from all the other elephants. They then designed their own elephants and talked about what made them unique.
Key Stage 1 discussed how to reach out to others and who to reach out to. They discussed why difference should be celebrated, what a caring friendship is, and set their own caring friendship rules. They then made friendship bracelets to give to their friends.
Children in Y3/4 discussed scenarios when bullying might occur and what could be done to reach out to others to prevent this. They produced caring hands and posters showing slogans such as ‘See it, say it, stop it!’ and ‘Be a buddy, not a bully!’.
Year 5/6 pupils discussed the mental impact that bullying can have. They wrote acrostics based on this theme. They also did some science work on how pack animals work together to survive and had a follow-up discussion on the societal benefits of working together.
The week concluded with a ‘Children in Need’ fundraising event enjoyed by all.

Developing pupils’ understanding of the importance of how we treat one another, the consequences our words and actions can have on one another, and importantly, how we can work co-operatively to resolve issues, is essential in preparing young people for the wider world which they will contribute to as valued citizens.
(With thanks to Jo Atkinson, Head of School, Stepney Primary)