Congratulations to St. George's Primary School on gaining their third Eco Schools Green Flag.
This is what the Eco Schools Assessors had to say
Fantastic work Mrs Cameron & Pupils!
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at St George's Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
Well done for creating such a large Eco-Team!
Pupils in your school are clearly very passionate about environmental issues and willing to go above and beyond to create positive impacts in their local community and beyond. Our team would recommend recruiting additional adult support for your Eco-Team (if possible). This will help share the workload whilst embedding and expanding your environmental initiatives even further.
Thank you for uploading such wonderful meeting minutes, they were neat, professional, and we loved reading them. Please pass on our compliments to your minute taker as they did such a fantastic job! Whilst leafing through your Environmental Review, we noted that there were no pupil comments until the summary page.
Next year, we would encourage pupils to write down their thoughts and ideas when completing it.
Leafing through a heavily annotated review later provides a good opportunity to reflect on and evaluate progress. We love the variety of activities contained in your Action Plan; it perfectly demonstrates that there are several different approaches to creating positive change. Not intent on simply improving the sustainability of their own school site, your Eco-Team extended their efforts to involve your wider school community, maximising their positive impacts.
Monitoring and Evaluation can be one of the more difficult steps of the Eco-Schools’ framework, your Eco-Team predicted this and proactively developed ways to monitor their projects from an early stage. Your curriculum link examples are impressively extensive and varied, showing your school’s integration of environmental issues across a variety of subjects and year groups.
We greatly appreciate your creativity in addressing environmental issues within your learning. It’s obviously not just about covering these topics in your curriculum; you’re using them to enhance the overall learning experience in your school. The examples provided in your application are brilliant, you have used environmental issues to add an engaging, real-life context to learning in your school and it is great to read that you have been able to take learning to your local farm, Acorn Hollow, to make up for limited space on your school site. This approach will enrich pupil’s education whilst helping them understand the pressing issues our planet faces!
Thank you so much for sharing examples of pupil’s work in your application, they really helped our team understand and appreciate the environmental learning occurring in your school.
Your Eco-Team have placed a lot of emphasis on informing as many members of your school community as possible about their Eco-Schools work, including through your Eco-Board and emails home to parents and families.
You have worked with a very impressive array of different groups and organisations this academic year, we especially enjoyed learning about your work with Hull University as well as the Thrive Student Congress. Your Eco-Schools noticeboard looks fantastic, with lots of data demonstrating the positive impacts you and your Eco-Team have created.
You state that the most significant success of your Eco-Schools’ work was the creation of ‘The Climate Dialogue Maps’ completed with Hull University, and we agree that this is a phenomenal achievement! You encountered various challenges during your Eco-Schools’ journey including limited outdoor space on your school site restricting how much you can develop and plant trees/shrubs, regardless of the efforts you gave to arrange for this to happen. However, with flexibility and tenacity you and your Eco-Team skilfully navigated these obstacles! Your Eco-Code is beautifully designed, with clear goals that relate to your achievements and future aspirations. It’s a great manifestation of your values and accomplishments at St Georges Primary School – Well done to Esme for the final design!
There are so many highlights throughout your application, it has been an absolute joy to assess.
Thank you so much for your hard work and congratulations on achieving an Eco-Schools’ Green Flag.