Fantastic work Miss Hyde!
We are very pleased to tell you that you and your Eco-Committee at Sidmouth Primary School have been successful in meeting the requirements for the Eco-Schools Green Flag Award.
We reviewed your application and noted the following:
Welcome back to another year at Eco-Schools, we are happy to see you again. This year your Eco-Committee has increased a little in size. We would recommend that you consider enlisting the help of another adult to raise the profile and help support your important work.
The team appreciated the photo of an Eco-Committee meeting in progress, giving us an idea of the energy and passion of the committee. The committee has held an impressive amount of meetings this year. Including the whole committee whole committee to complete the Environmental Review was a great idea. This approach encourages teamworking and helps everyone to take ownership.
Reading the review we learnt there were a couple of areas that you are excelling in and it has provided you with some ideas for the Action Plan. After reviewing the Environmental Review the committee picked biodiversity, healthy lining, and litter to form part of your Action Plan. There are some interesting projects planned, but we loved the question that you posed within biodiversity – where will animals, insects, and minibeast go on the playground?
The three curriculum examples provided are great examples of environmental education, they are practical and fun with a real-life context that is very relevant to pupils in your school.
Thank you so much for sharing examples of pupil’s work in your application, they really helped our team understand and appreciate the environmental learning occurring in your school.
We really enjoyed the Y3 project to make a sustainable bag in the DT lesson. They used their knowledge of materials that they learnt previously in science to make a bag that met their criteria, for instance strength or being waterproof. After their design was completed they evaluated their bag.
One recommendation we have to continue building on your progress, is to coordinate a whole-school day or week dedicated to environmentally-themed learning. This approach is a great way to get your entire school excited about eco-education whilst demonstrating our collective responsibility towards the environment. The Eco-Committee have endeavoured to keep people updated with their work.
The Eco-Board is looking great. It contains information and pictures. Remember to use it to share and celebrate your successes. Assemblies are another medium that has been used.
We would like to congratulate all the pupils who have taken part because it can be quite nerve-wracking to stand up in front of people and deliver important information.
We noted there were some social media posts that are key in today's digital society.
And finally, there have been newsletters sent out. Next year we encourage your Eco-Committee to engage with individuals and organisations in their local community proactively. By involving others in their Eco-Schools’ work they can encourage collective responsibility and create opportunities for mutual learning. In your Action Plan you mentioned that you planned to write letters to local businesses for support. This would have been a great way to reach out to the community and share your work.
Embedding the importance of litter picking and recycling within the school has been your greatest success and a result to be proud of.
The Eco-Code is a great acrostic poem. The last line resonated with the team – ‘Stop wasting time and make a change.’ We challenge the committee to make an eye-catching version of this for the Eco-Board.
Our team has enjoyed reviewing your application and learning about your Eco-Schools journey.
We are delighted to recognize your efforts with an Eco-Schools Green Flag.
Well done, everyone!
Keep up the fantastic work and continue to create positive impacts.