NB This page will be updated with further details, as they are made available.
We're delighted to announce that this spring and summer, we will be running the very first annual Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust Spelling Bee, which will initially be open to all students in years 6 and 7.
The competition will be divided into main 3 stages, namely:
Round 1 - There will be an in-school competition for years 6 and 7.
First, pupils will write down the spelling for 50 words, which will be read out to them by a member of staff.
Then, the top spellers from this list will be given further words that they will have to spell verbally.
From these, the top spellers in each primary school will be chosen to form a school team.
In each of the secondary schools, two school teams will be chosen.
The deadline for schools to choose their teams is Friday 29th March.
Round 2 - Two Semi-Finals (to be held at Newland School for Girls). There will be one semi-final for the 7 primary school teams and one semi-final for the 6 secondary school teams. From each semi-final, two teams will be selected to go through to the final. There will be a mixture of team and individual rounds.
Round 3 - The Final will consist of two primary and two secondary teams, competing for the trophy, to be held at Hull University.
There will be a brand new shiny trophy for the winning team, to be kept in their school for the year, plus gold medals for the winners and runners-up medals for the other three teams in the final.