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Darba vakances


Iedvesmoju skolēnus uzplaukt dzīvē.

Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust tika izveidots 2016. gada septembrī, un tagad tas ir atbildīgs par 9 skolām visā Hulā, 2 vidusskolām un 7 pamatskolām.

Mēs esam apņēmušies nodrošināt, lai visām mūsu skolām būtu pieejami augstas kvalitātes uzņēmējdarbības pakalpojumi, lai atbalstītu mūsu skolu izcilo darbu mūsu skolēnu izglītošanā.

Šī ir saite uz mūsu darba pretendentu konfidencialitātes paziņojumu, kurā ir paskaidrots, kā mēs apkopojam, glabājam un izmantojam personas datus par personām, kas piesakās darbam mūsu skolā.

Paziņojums par konfidencialitāti darba pretendentiem

Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust ir apņēmies aizsargāt un veicināt bērnu labklājību. Pretendentiem jābūt gataviem iziet bērnu aizsardzības pārbaudi, kas atbilst amatam, tostarp pārbaudēm pie iepriekšējiem darba devējiem, kā arī Informācijas atklāšanas un aizlieguma dienestam.


Pieteikuma forma


Attīstīt darba vakances 


Pastoral Assistant 

The Boulevard Academy is seeking to appoint a flexible and enthusiastic Pastoral Assistant to join our Pastoral Department working under the instruction of teaching/senior pastoral staff. To  support programmes enabling access to learning for students and to assist the Head of Year in the management of student behaviour.  Work may be carried out in the classroom or one to one outside the main teaching area.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Friday 28th March 2025, 16:00pm   


Casual Minibus Driver 

We are looking to appoint a reliable and friendly Minibus Driver to help transport students to and from school.  This could also include transporting students to school trips and sporting fixtures during the school day. The successful candidate must have a clean driving licence, be aged 25 or over for insurance purposes, and have experience of driving a minibus, ensuring the safety of passengers, other road users, members of the public, and yourself at all times.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Monday 31st March, 9:00am 


Generation Hull - Administrator 

To provide and manage an efficient and responsive business support service to Generation Hull ensuring the efficient administration of the ACE Place Partnership Project ‘Fight For Our Creative Future’ (FFOCF) working flexibly to meet the administrative needs of this ambitious three-year programme.

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Thursday 17th April 2025, 12 noon 


Generation Hull - Creative Careers Partnership Officer

The Creative Careers Partnership Officer role within Generation Hull (GH) will lead on the delivery, development and evaluation of the creative career pathways ambition of our three-year ACE Place Partnership Project “Fight for Our Creative Future” (FFOCF).

For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...

Closing date: Thursday 17th April 2025, 12 noon 

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