Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust wurde im September 2016 gegründet und ist nun für 9 Schulen in ganz Hull, 2 Sekundar- und 7 Grundschulen verantwortlich.
Wir setzen uns dafür ein, dass alle unsere Schulen Zugang zu qualitativ hochwertigen Unternehmensdienstleistungen haben, um die hervorragende Arbeit unserer Schulen bei der Bildung unserer Schüler zu untermauern.
Dies ist ein Link zu unserer Datenschutzerklärung für Stellenbewerber, in der erläutert wird, wie wir personenbezogene Daten von Personen erheben, speichern und verwenden, die sich um Stellen an unserer Schule bewerben.
Datenschutzerklärung für Stellenbewerber
Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust setzt sich für den Schutz und die Förderung des Wohlergehens von Kindern ein. Bewerber müssen bereit sein, sich einem für die Stelle angemessenen Kinderschutzscreening zu unterziehen, einschließlich Überprüfungen bei früheren Arbeitgebern sowie beim Offenlegungs- und Sperrdienst.
Gedeihen Sie Stellenangebote
Teacher of Maths
We are looking to appoint an outstanding teacher to join the Maths Faculty at Kelvin Hall School starting in January 2025. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a friendly and supportive school in continuing to drive outstanding outcomes for all of our students. We are looking for a suitably qualified Maths teacher to teach across the Key Stages including GCSE.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 25th November 2024, 16:00pm
Teacher of Physical Education
Newland School for Girls is seeking to appoint an inspirational Teacher of PE from April 2025. You will be joining a highly aspirational team. The successful candidate will be an outstanding PE Teacher with excellent subject knowledge preferably with the ability to teach Dance.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 29th November 2024, 12 noon
Apprentice Teaching Assistant
The Boulevard Academy, part of the Trust, are looking to appoint an Apprentice Teaching Assistant to join our existing team to support students with their learning in classes and small groups in order that they achieve their full potential in school. To complete training as per the apprenticeship specification, using work experience gained to support this.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 29th November 2024, 12 noon
Apprentice Administration Assistant
The Boulevard Academy, part of the Trust, are looking to appoint an Apprentice Admin Assistant to join our existing team. You will provide all aspects of administrative and financial support to the whole school. You will also be the first point of contact for our parents and visitors to the school.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 29th November 2024, 12 noon