وظائف شاغرة
تأسس صندوق Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust في سبتمبر 2016 وهو مسؤول الآن عن 9 مدارس في هال ومدرستين ثانويتين و 7 مدارس ابتدائية.
نحن ملتزمون بضمان حصول جميع مدارسنا على خدمات تجارية عالية الجودة لدعم العمل الممتاز الذي تقوم به مدارسنا في تعليم طلابنا.
هذا رابط لإشعار خصوصية المتقدمين للوظائف ، والذي يشرح كيف نقوم بجمع وتخزين واستخدام البيانات الشخصية عن الأفراد المتقدمين للوظائف في مدرستنا.
إشعار خصوصية المتقدمين للوظائف
تلتزم مؤسسة Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust بحماية وتعزيز رفاهية الأطفال. يجب أن يكون مقدمو الطلبات على استعداد للخضوع لفحص حماية الطفل المناسب للمنشور ، بما في ذلك الشيكات مع أصحاب العمل السابقين وكذلك مع خدمة الإفصاح والحظر.
ازدهار الوظائف الشاغرة
Pastoral Mentor (Personalised Learning Department)
Kelvin Hall School is looking for a committed practitioner to support, develop and implement our strategies for working with students and families to overcome barriers to learning working in our alternative personalised learning department
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 13th May 2022, 9am
Teaching Assistant/Cover
Kelvin Hall School is looking to appoint to our successful Teaching Assistant/Cover Team. This role will primarily support a range of students with Special Educational Needs, in order to enable their progress. This role will, however, also require at times the effective cover of lessons in the absence of classroom teachers as part of the SEN/Cover team.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 13th May 2022, 9am
Achievement Support Assistant
Newland School for Girls is seeking to appoint a part-time Achievement Support Assistant, to join our committed team. The post is working with lower ability and SEND learners in mainstream classrooms.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Friday 12th April, 12 noon
Teacher of Maths
We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and effective Maths Teacher to join our thriving and supportive Maths department, who is enthusiastic and keen to make a difference. The successful applicant will be required to teach at KS3 and KS4.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 15th April, 09:00am
Teacher of Science
We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and effective Science Teacher to join our thriving and supportive Science department, who is enthusiastic and keen to make a difference. The successful applicant will be required to teach at KS3 and KS4.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 15th April, 09:00am
Teacher of English
We are seeking to appoint a highly motivated and effective English Teacher to join our thriving and supportive English department, who is enthusiastic and keen to make a difference. The successful applicant will be required to teach at KS3 and KS4.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 15th April, 09:00am
Teacher of Creative Arts
We are seeking candidates experienced in Art, Textiles or Food Technology to join our expanding Creative Arts Department. The successful applicant will be required to teach at all levels. We offer exceptional opportunities for professional development.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 15th April, 09:00am
Administration Assistant
Sidmouth Primary School is seeking to appoint an Administration Assistant to join our team. You will be required to work 36.25 hours per week, term time only plus 5 training days. Required to provide a professional response to telephone, email and face to face queries, referring matters on as necessary to the appropriate team members.
For further information about the vacancy please click on the buttons below...
Closing date: Monday 22th April, 03:00pm