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В началното училище психичното здраве и благополучие на нашите ученици са от първостепенно значение. Когато децата се грижат за своето психично здраве и развиват своите умения за справяне, това може да им помогне да повишат своята устойчивост, самочувствие и увереност. Това от своя страна им помага да се научат да се чувстват спокойни, да се саморегулират и да се ангажират положително с образованието си.

If you are experienced in leadership, HR, finance or project management, schools in your local area would love to hear from you. There is no requirement for you to have an understanding of the education system, just the necessary skills, character and time to contribute.
We would love to hear from you if you are interested in making a difference for the children in our schools.  Thrive Co-operative Learning Trust is keen to expand the governance teams and encourage volunteers from diverse backgrounds to build on our inclusive culture and represent the communities we serve. We welcome applications from everyone. 

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